Our Services

Tax Services

We helps you improve your project’s performance.

The office enjoys high proficiency and a good reputation since several years in the field of tax consultations, as it includes tax experts with long experiences in the various tax fields, thus granting it confidence and flexibility while dealing with the tax bodies.
The Tax Consultation Administration offers the following services:

1- Helping clients in preparing and presenting all forms of tax returns.
– Preparing the necessary documents for the tax checking.
– Attending the tax checking.
– Conducting discussions with the competent tax office in the points of difference that might appear during the checking process.
– Attending the meetings of the internal committees of the tax offices.
– Being present before the Appealing Committees.

2- Offering consultative services to the clients in order to help them prepare their monthly tax equalizations for the tax on salaries of the employees in a manner that goes in agreement with the welfare of the client and with the well-acknowledged tax rules. Moreover, determining the monthly value of the tax payable in preparation to pay them off, and preparing the quarter annual tax return, along with conducting the necessary final equalizations with the tax office by the end of the year.
The office enjoys long experience in dealing with high-labour and multi-national institutions.

3- Specifying the taxes that were deducted from the transaction bills and writing them down in previously prepared models, accompanied with a cheque including those sums of money and signed in favor of the general administration for assembling the discount, added and collection models and enlisted under the tax accounts. This should be presented to the tax department in the specified times (April, July, October, and January).

4- Specifying the stamp tax and delivering them to the competent bodies according to the applicable rules.

5- Solving all the tax problems -related with the nature of the client’s activity- with all the authorized tax bodies, relying on the confidence and understanding built between the office and such bodies since several years.

6- Tax Consultation Fields:
– Business profits tax (stock corporations- partnership funds).
– Non-commercial professions tax.
– Tax on salaries.
– Stamp tax.
– Sales tax.

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