Our Services

Financial Consultations, Management and Administration Services

We helps you improve your project’s performance.

The office sets up the latest planning, management and administration systems
for all projects. It also prepares analytic studies for the financial statements for the purpose of offering the necessary information required for the success of an administration. - The office prepares feasibility studies for various projects, follows up its implementation, and determines the deviations that might occur in order to address them properly. Salient Activities of the Office are as follows:

a- Managerial Accounting The office applies the costing systems of the industrial projects, and the estimated budgets, supervises its implementation in order to benefit from such projects in the fields of planning, monitoring and decision-taking.
b- Study and Planning The office conducts studies in designing and distribution, in addition to feasibility studies for all projects. It also studies the contracts and the production requirements, monitors the purchases, the warehouses, and the inventory, and keeps an eye on the workers in the project.

The office also assists the clients in selecting the best cadres that would occupy the main jobs.

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