Our Services

Financial Analysis Services

We helps you improve your project’s performance.

The office offers financial analysis services for the clients
so as to know the corporation’s points of strength in order to further enhance them and the points of weakness in order to tackle them. This should be done through the following points:

a- Credit Analysis:
It aims to identify and evaluate the risks which the lender might face in his relation with the borrower, so as to build his decision according to such an evaluation.

b- Mergers and Acquisition Analysis:
The office handles the evaluation process so as to estimate the current value of the corporation to be purchased, in addition to its future performance. It also makes a comprehensive analysis for the new financial entity of a new legal personality.

c- Performance Evaluation Analysis:
The office evaluates the profitability and efficiency of the financial administration, in addition to the liquidity and the growth trends.

d- Analysis for Planning:
The office performs an organized planning for the client in facing the future risks. It also applies a perception of performance based on the pervious performance, in order to face the continuous fluctuations of the markets.

e- Investment Analysis:
The office prepares an investment analysis for the client, including:
1- Revenues on investments.
2- Capital structure (capital + long term sources).
3- Long-term indebtedness of a corporation.
4- Short-term indebtedness of a corporation (liquidity).

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